Wednesday, September 26, 2007 is a REFERRAL service

I know...this whole time you thought we were just a simple
online coupon business right? too. But I just realized we are a referral service.
Here's an e-mail exchange I had recently with a new subscriber...

Subscriber: I am so excited about this!
Kieran: I am excited that you are excited! How did you hear about us?
Subscriber: I heard about you from my daughter-in -law, xxxxxx, and have since forwarded your website on to my other son and his wife, and plan to tell three more friends when I see them this evening. So, good luck with this endeavor, and I look forward to checking for more coupons!

Now when was the last time someone got all excited and said...
"you have to go check out (insert your local print coupon here)!

When people visit our site they are there for a purpose...saving money and
finding that great shopping location near them. We are a savings destination
for shoppers in Pierce County.

That's why already we are seeing MANY coupons being redeemed...and to think
we aren't even charging for our referral service. Imagine the traffic we will have
when we are billing our extremely low rates! - Building business one referral at a time!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Customize your profile page

Did you know that you have a profile page on

This is where you can personalize your business for the customers.
Here's a few to look at:

Amici , Thai Mekong, Gotta Wash It

You can have anything you want on that page...we just have to
put it there for you. Just e-mail us whatever you want.

Here's something cool you can add too...PICTURES! A picture is worth
a thousand words. Here's one you can see with pics on it....

You can easily create an online photo album at Picture Trail and then e-mail
me the code at

So spice it up a bit. Have fun.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Stop being so sensitive

Well sometimes you have to be...


On 2 occassions...

  • When logging in an with your username and password
  • When creating your coupons there is a space called "COUPON MESSAGE" and to have someone's name on your coupon you use this code [name]....NOT [Name]. I usually type "Coupon Valid for Premier Member [name]". When they log in to print the coupon their first and last name will appear on the printed coupon. Cool stuff huh?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Price is Right with

Print Coupons - About $500.00 per month (Hi Stress) - No more than $59.99 per month. (Low Stress)

Or maybe even less.... - Good for stress management. Advertises 24/7 On Your Behalf

Scenario # 1
I get home before my wife. I check the mail. It has some type of print coupons waiting for us...but I pretty much think it is junk mail. What do I do with junk mail? I throw it away!

Advertising is now OVER. Your advertising dollars were wasted. The landfills got fuller. More trees gave up their lives. (see post on being environmentally friendly). My wife is angry because I threw away the coupons causing stress in our marriage. All this for print coupons!

Scenario # 2
My wife and anybody else can go to 24/7 and look for the coupons they want to use. They print only what they are going to use. The landfill is less clogged. More trees are smiling because they are still living. And my marriage is still strong. - Saving marriages all over Pierce County thanks to you! is environmentally friendly is.

Think about this. You get home and check the mail. You have some beautifully printed coupons waiting for you. What do you do? You scan through looking for the Pizza, coffee and smoothie type coupons right?

Then the rest go in the garbage! All that good paper and ink goes to waste.

But there's hope with!

Now you'll go to our website...look for EXACTLY the coupons you want to use...and ONLY PRINT those. Nothing to throw away clogging up our landfills. No excessive trees giving up their lives. - It's Good For The Environment!

Ideas for Creative Coupons

Here's the coolest part about online coupons at -
You can change them on the fly 24/7!

So have fun. Here's some ideas.
  • Make coupons for slow times. What is your SLOWEST time of day for customers coming through your door? Make an OUTRAGEOUS coupon for that time! "75% OFF from 7:00 am - 8:00 am on Wednesdays!" I'm sure you thinking...Kieran you're giving away the farm. So do this...find your rock bottom price that you can still make a little profit and use that number. All you're trying to do is get someone hooked on your product so they'll come back WITHOUT a coupon later and pay full price!

  • Make one day a week a SPECIAL DAY at your store. Maybe it's Friday. Call it Phanatic Friday or something catchy. And create an outrageous coupon ONLY for that day for a special product. It's like your product of the week. People will start watching YOUR coupons for that special and are trying to hook them on something they'll come back later for and pay full price!

  • Use for something other than regular in store specials. If Joe Blow can come in off the street on Wednesday's and save 10% why would they need a coupon? Use our coupons for something they can't get anywhere else! Make them keep coming back for more to see what crazy and fun ideas you've come up with next.

  • Cater to special groups - "Good Samaritan Employees save 50% with coupon and Good Sam ID" - "Police Officers in Uniform save 50% with coupon". This works for any group with special ID or uniform. Now here's the trick so you don't give away the farm. Make it a short time frame but again an outrageous coupon. Why? You want them telling ALL their coworkers so they'll come in and see your place of business right! The coupon ONLY gets them in the door. What you and your staff do from there will keep them coming back!

  • Give away something free - Here's something to with don't have to be for a discount on your goods or services. How about this..."First person to present this coupon when buying a full priced whatever receives 2 free movie tickets!" They paid full price. It was a fun coupon. And as soon as someone turns it in you remove the coupon from our site! Here's the cool may still have additional people coming through your door thinking they can be first. Chances are they will be buying something since they are there full price of course!

  • Have a contest - All our coupons have the customers first and last name on them. So run a monthly contest where all coupon users are entered into a drawing for a free gift. Draw from your coupons and we'll post the winners on YOUR PROFILE page on

Again...your coupons can be updated ANYTIME you want. One of our clients told us a horror story about using print coupons in which he was getting the completely wrong type of customer coming through his doors. And he had to wait several months until the coupon expired! All those coupons out there in print had to be honored for several months to come.

With if you don't like the results of your coupon (or anything else) you can change it RIGHT NOW. By the way...we can do it for you too. We can do all the work or we can give you complete access to create and modify your own as well.

So how creative can you be?

We appreciate you!

Kieran & Sherri Murry

How to create and manage your own coupons

Creating coupons with is a blast. It's so easy.

Logging in to create or manage coupons:
  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your unique username and password. If you don't know it just drop me an e-mail at and I'll make sure you can get in. The username & password IS CASE SENSITIVE. So make sure you are typing it in correctly.
  3. When you are "IN" you'll see 3 links on the left. Management, Search and Reset Password. Click on "Management".
  4. A new "blank coupon" pops up. This is one way to start creating a new coupon. There's one other way. In the upper right you'll see a drop down menu box that says "Manage Coupons". If you open that box you'll see one of the options is "Create New". This drop down box will list your coupons as well and this is where you'll open an individual coupon to update it.

Creating a new coupon - You're logged in - Have a blank coupon pulled up - Now What?

  1. You'll see 4 tabs across the top. (main, locations-photo-bar code, color layout, proof). We'll work from left to right starting with MAIN.
  2. Select your "category" and "subcategory" from the drop down menus.
  3. Create a "title" for your coupon. example: Buy One Get One Free
  4. Add "details". Max 150 characters. Example: Purchase one drink at regular price and receive the 2nd of equal or lesser value free
  5. Add "disclaimers" - Examples - Coupon not valid with other offers. Good only for first time customers.
  6. Add "coupon message" - This is where you can add the name of the subscriber to your coupon. Usually I put - "Coupon Valid for Premier Member [name]." In the name block the subscribers first and last name will appear on the coupon so you can use it as a tool to get to know YOUR customers.
  7. Add "limits" - I would not limit anything except possibly "prints". If you only want a customer to use it one time you can put "1" in the print limits. Once that subcriber has printed your coupon one time they will not be allowed to print it again.
  8. Add "dates" - When do you want your coupon to be active on our site?
  9. Now go to "Locations, Photo and Bar Code" at the top of the coupon box
  10. In "locations" you must select at least one to move to the right side. This is pretty simple if you only have one location but if you have multiple locations and only want to run a coupon at one or two of them you must choose with locations you want this coupon to be active for.
  11. In "support photo's" you don't need to add anything...but you can. There are 2 boxes on the actual coupon where you can add 100 x 100 pics on the coupon. Before you do this you may want to contact me so I can walk you through it.
  12. "Security Bar Code" - Don't need to do anything
  13. On the bottom right you'll see "Create Coupon" - Click that button NOW. That makes your coupon LIVE on the site and it will automatically take you back to the MAIN page. But we aren't quite done.
  14. Click on the "color layout" tab. Here you can change any colors on your coupon. I would suggest leaving the body of your coupon white and only changing the "header background and text".
  15. After you make ANY changes you need to click the "update coupon" button in the lower right.
  16. Click on the "proof" tab to view what your coupon looks like on the internet.

That's it! Once you make a couple you'll be a pro and it will only take a few minutes.

Managing coupons is just as simple. Just pull up any coupon in your system from the upper right drop down menu that says "manage coupons". Then make any changes you want...just remember to click "update coupon" when you are done.

If you have ANY questions e-mail me at

We appreciate you,

Kieran & Sherri Murry