Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ideas for Creative Coupons

Here's the coolest part about online coupons at -
You can change them on the fly 24/7!

So have fun. Here's some ideas.
  • Make coupons for slow times. What is your SLOWEST time of day for customers coming through your door? Make an OUTRAGEOUS coupon for that time! "75% OFF from 7:00 am - 8:00 am on Wednesdays!" I'm sure you thinking...Kieran you're giving away the farm. So do this...find your rock bottom price that you can still make a little profit and use that number. All you're trying to do is get someone hooked on your product so they'll come back WITHOUT a coupon later and pay full price!

  • Make one day a week a SPECIAL DAY at your store. Maybe it's Friday. Call it Phanatic Friday or something catchy. And create an outrageous coupon ONLY for that day for a special product. It's like your product of the week. People will start watching YOUR coupons for that special and are trying to hook them on something they'll come back later for and pay full price!

  • Use for something other than regular in store specials. If Joe Blow can come in off the street on Wednesday's and save 10% why would they need a coupon? Use our coupons for something they can't get anywhere else! Make them keep coming back for more to see what crazy and fun ideas you've come up with next.

  • Cater to special groups - "Good Samaritan Employees save 50% with coupon and Good Sam ID" - "Police Officers in Uniform save 50% with coupon". This works for any group with special ID or uniform. Now here's the trick so you don't give away the farm. Make it a short time frame but again an outrageous coupon. Why? You want them telling ALL their coworkers so they'll come in and see your place of business right! The coupon ONLY gets them in the door. What you and your staff do from there will keep them coming back!

  • Give away something free - Here's something to with don't have to be for a discount on your goods or services. How about this..."First person to present this coupon when buying a full priced whatever receives 2 free movie tickets!" They paid full price. It was a fun coupon. And as soon as someone turns it in you remove the coupon from our site! Here's the cool may still have additional people coming through your door thinking they can be first. Chances are they will be buying something since they are there full price of course!

  • Have a contest - All our coupons have the customers first and last name on them. So run a monthly contest where all coupon users are entered into a drawing for a free gift. Draw from your coupons and we'll post the winners on YOUR PROFILE page on

Again...your coupons can be updated ANYTIME you want. One of our clients told us a horror story about using print coupons in which he was getting the completely wrong type of customer coming through his doors. And he had to wait several months until the coupon expired! All those coupons out there in print had to be honored for several months to come.

With if you don't like the results of your coupon (or anything else) you can change it RIGHT NOW. By the way...we can do it for you too. We can do all the work or we can give you complete access to create and modify your own as well.

So how creative can you be?

We appreciate you!

Kieran & Sherri Murry

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