Wednesday, September 26, 2007 is a REFERRAL service

I know...this whole time you thought we were just a simple
online coupon business right? too. But I just realized we are a referral service.
Here's an e-mail exchange I had recently with a new subscriber...

Subscriber: I am so excited about this!
Kieran: I am excited that you are excited! How did you hear about us?
Subscriber: I heard about you from my daughter-in -law, xxxxxx, and have since forwarded your website on to my other son and his wife, and plan to tell three more friends when I see them this evening. So, good luck with this endeavor, and I look forward to checking for more coupons!

Now when was the last time someone got all excited and said...
"you have to go check out (insert your local print coupon here)!

When people visit our site they are there for a purpose...saving money and
finding that great shopping location near them. We are a savings destination
for shoppers in Pierce County.

That's why already we are seeing MANY coupons being redeemed...and to think
we aren't even charging for our referral service. Imagine the traffic we will have
when we are billing our extremely low rates! - Building business one referral at a time!

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